frequently asked questions

Are Vendor and Artist Alley Tables available for purchase?

Yes, tables are available for purchase. Please submit your application for approval.
Exhibitors will have 1 Table(s) and 2 chair(s) are provided by the venue.

What time does the convention open & close?

Doors open at 10 AM for general admission. The show floor closes at 5 PM.

Are Sponsorship Opportunities Available?

YES, we have several sponsorship tiers to advertise your business with Wicked Comic Con. Please email Jules Gagne for further information.

Where Can We Get Tickets?

Free tickets are available through Event Brite.

Will Tickets Be Available For Sale at The Door?

This is a FREE event.

What is the COVID policy?

Wicked Comic Con and the Westin Boston Seaport strictly adhere to the COVID procedures as set forth by the city of Boston. As of this writing the mask and proof of vaccination mandates have been lifted citywide. This means masks are not required.

Is public transportation available?

YES, the Silver Line stops at the MBTA station WORLD TRADE CENTER. This station is directly across the street from the Westin Boston Seaport.

Where do I park?

The Seaport district has several parking garages in the area. This link has several options within walking distance of the Westin Boston Seaport. Also, street parking is free on Sunday.

Where should I stay?

The Westin Boston Seaport is naturally the most convenient place to stay, rooms may be booked at the convention rate at the link.

Where should I queue up for entrance to the convention?

Please enter the Westin Boston Seaport through the main hotel entrance.

Will grading be available on-site?

Yes. More information to follow.

Is the facility fully accessible?

The Westin Boston Seaport is ADA compliant; please contact the venue for further information.

What is the cosplay prop policy?

  • Offensive and/or overly revealing attire is prohibited. If you’re asked to cover up by staff or security, please comply immediately or risk ejection from the convention.
  • No real weapons or functioning projectile weapons – including guns, crossbows, swords, ninja stars, water pistols, silly-string guns, etc.
  • All fake and prop guns must have an orange tip, whether glued plastic or painted.
  • Metal weapons and objects that are deemed harmful towards attendees (sharp weapons and props) are prohibited.
  • No explosives or flash pots.
  • Weapons must be easily distinguishable from real weapons.

Our security and staff reserve to right to refuse any weapon or costume accessory/prop into the show at any time. Additionally, weapons will be zip tied to show that staff has checked them to deem them safe!


Thank you for your interest. Please contact Jules Gagne via email or phone 603-321-1027

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